Elective Courses

Elective Course Options

Elective Courses are any courses of interest that students elect to take that are outside of their potential major.
NOTE: Not all courses and/or sections are available.

AccountingACCT2121, 2122Prerequisite for ACCT 2121: at least 30 earned hours and a C or better in MATH 1120 or STAT 1220/1222
Africana StudiesAFRS1100, 1501, 2xxx, 3xxx 
American StudiesAMST2050, 3xxx 
AnthropologyANTH1501, 1511 
Art HistoryARTH1211, 1212, 1502, 3001 
Art of CollaborationCLAS3000Section 004 (Prerequisite: 30 credits or by instructor approval)
Computing & InformaticsITSC1110, 1212 
Criminal JusticeCJUS1511, 2xxxCJUS 1100 is the prerequisite for any CJUS 2xxx course
1212, 2127, 2125, 2129, 2130, 2227, 4001

Data ScienceDTSC1301 & 1302Prerequisite: STAT 1220/1221/1222 Must take both courses in same term
EconomicsECON2101, 2102Prerequisite: 30 credits
EnglishENGL1502, 1512, 2xxx, 3xxxSome courses require UWRT or WRDS 1103/1104 as a prerequisite
Film StudiesFILM
1502, 3xxx

HistoryHIST1502, 1512, 2xxx, 3xxx 
Holocaust, Genocide, & Human RightsHGHR2100, 3050 
International StudiesINTL1501, 2100, 2121, 2131, 2301 
Foreign LanguageLACS1201 (language)
1502, 1512 (culture)
Found under specific languages: ARBC, CHNS, FREN, GERM, ITLN, JAPN, PORT, RUSS, SPAN
Latin American StudiesLTAM1502, 2xxx 
Management Information SystemsINFO2130 
Middle, Secondary, & K-12 EducationMDSK2100 
Music PerformanceMUPF1110, 1113, 1118, 1119, 1122, 1123, 1125 
PhilosophyPHIL1502, 1512, 2100 
Political SciencePOLS
11xx, 1501, 1511, 2xxx

PsychologyPSYC2xxxPrerequisite: PSYC 1101
Religious StudiesRELS1201, 1502, 1512, 2xxx 
SociologySOCY1101, 1501, 1511, 2xxx

Social WorkSOWK1101 
Special EducationSPED2100 
Sports AnalyticsSPOA1120(Request permission to enroll from advisor)
TheatreTHEA1265, 1502, 1512, 2221, 4001, 4360

Women & Gender StudiesWGST1502, 1512, 2050, 3xxx